Welcome to the Hepatitis Elimination Room. Your online resource to connect with community partners in the state of Oregon to help people living with viral hepatitis. Together we can eliminate hepatitis!
Explore our maps to Hepatitis Elimination in Oregon. Our interactive Oregon maps provide resources that intersect with people impacted by viral hepatitis. The maps provide any person living with hepatitis, provider, clinic staff, or patient navigator the knowledge of the services currently available. Engage with educational tool kits, download infographics and materials. Learn what the guidelines say, or join a free ECHO training. Connect with members of the Oregon Viral Hepatitis Collective.
The League of Extraordinary Providers
Find a provider in your area.
Hepatitis Testing Sites
Find free or low-cost testing in your area.
Hep A & B Vaccine Sites
Protect your health. Get Vaccinated!
Syringe Service Providers
Locate the syringe service provider closest to you.
Peer Navigators
PRIME+ peers assist in accessing resources.
Saves Lives Oregon
State run site for harm reduction support and supplies.
Testing Guidelines
Learn the latest testing guidelines from OHP, CDC, USPSTF, and more…
Treatment Guidelines
Learn the latest treatment guidelines from OHP, AASLD and more…
Hep Vaccine Guidelines
Learn the latest vaccine guidelines from OHP, ACIP, CDC, and more…
Free Provider Education
Find free provider education materials and virtual trainings.
Free Hepatitis Information
Find free education for people living with or at-risk for hepatitis.
The Tool Box
Find tool kits, elimination plans, research papers and more…
Health Services
Find physical health, mental health and substance use providers in your area.
HIV Services
Find an HIV organiztion near you.
Navigating insurance is not easy. Connect to organizations that can help.
Find charities that provide free food, homeless shelters, and other assistance near you.
I need a ride to make that appointment. What are the resources in my county?
Reentry Programs and Services
Help for people to reintegrate into society after incarceration.
Legal Resources
Find free or low-cost legal aid, assistance and services.
Oregon Viral Hepatitis Collective
Meetings and Minutes
hepatitis defined
Viral Hepatitis
According to the CDC, Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. The liver is a vital organ that processes nutrients, filters the blood, and fights infections. When the liver is inflamed or damaged, its function can be affected. Heavy alcohol use, toxins, some medications, and certain medical conditions can cause hepatitis. However, hepatitis is often caused by a virus. In the United States, the most common types of viral hepatitis are hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.

Join the Conversation
Reaching the elimination goals will take everyone’s participation. Oregon has one of the highest hepatitis c mortality rates in the country. Together we can reduce the burden of this public health crisis. Please consider joining the Collective and providing your expertise to the conversation. If you are a person in Oregon living with hepatitis B or hepatitis C, we want to hear from you. The Elimination Plan will be successful if all stakeholders are contributing their voices.